
Links for parents to other agencies

There are a large number of agencies that are available to support parents and carers of children with additional needs in Bradford, some can be accessed directly and others through school. For details of the full range of support available please go to Bradford’s local offer page at localoffer.bradford.gov.uk. Below are contact details for some of the agencies that are contacted most frequently:


Parents Forum for Bradford and Airedale works to support parents and carers of children in the Bradford and Airedale district. The forum works to enable better access to information for parents about services and to improve the channels of communication between services, professionals and parents/carers. You can contact them via their website at pfba.org.uk.


The School Nursing Team works with parents, school staff and other agencies to offer support and advice and to refer on to other agencies as appropriate. They can be contacted on 01274 228300.


Prevention and Early Help support families and communities in Bradford. Prevention is about stopping problems emerging in the first place, Early Help is about preventing problems that are happening from getting worse. For more information and details on how they can be contacted please go to bradford.gov.uk


AWARE is a parent-run group supporting families and young adults on the autistic spectrum. It is not necessary to have a diagnosis to access their support. They can be contacted via their website: aware-uk.org


Bradford Specialist Teaching and Support Services Bradford Council through Children’s Services, Education and Learning provides a range of specialist teaching and support services to schools. More information on this service, not known as the Specialist Teaching and Support Service (STaSS) can be found at https://localoffer.bradford.gov.uk/service/1453-Specialist-Teaching-and-Support-Services-(STaSS)- It comprises of the Social, Communication, Interaction and Learning ( SCIL ) Team and the Low Incidence ( Sensory Service ) Team.


SENDIASS - Bradford SENDIASS is for parents and carers of children and young people 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the Bradford area.

The staff help parents and children to work together with schools and the local authority so that they have a good understanding of what support is needed and to make sure that it is put in place. The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) offer information, advice and support for parents and will support parents and school with MSP and EHCP process. The service is free, impartial and confidential. The number for the Bradford Office is 01274 513300.


Community groups: There are many community groups active in the Bradford district, offering support for families and young people. You can find information about groups by using the online DIVA Bradford directory at: divabradford.org.uk/directory

You can search by using keywords and the specific link for autism is: https://divabradford.org.uk/directory?combine=autism&geographical_area_works_in_9=All &attributes_167=All&civicrm_proximity_postcode=&distance=All 


Healthy Minds: sources of support www.healthyminds.services is an online resource for everyone to use and is specifically aimed at encouraging us all to look after our mental health. The online mental health and wellbeing directory gives details of the local services available where you can get support - services are still here to help.


Parenting Programmes - Please see below link for details of structured parenting programmes that are available in Bradford and how to access them.