
Summer Term

Today in maths we cut up a fraction wall and used it to compare fractions to see which were greater, less than or equal to another (<=>).
In computing we have begun to work on editing text. Today we changed the font, changed text size and colour, used bold, italic and even the highlighter function.
In History we learned about how the pyramids were built. We role played interviewing an Egyptian worker about life on the most amazing building site in history.
In PSHCE we thought about the impact of unkind words. The children thought of unkind things that had been said to them or others. They also thought about how we could make people feel better with our words.
In science we did an experiment to see what variables would affect the growth of cress.
We found that the amount of water it was (or wasn't) given, and the amount of space it had to grow made very little difference.
However, the amount of light did! Cress in direct sunlight thrived, that in a shady corner of the classroom wilted, and that kept in the cupboard became pale and dry!
Today in maths we measured and drew various lines and objects. We measured to the nearest cm, in mm, and in cm & mm.
In PE we used maths skills to follow a treasure trail round the school field.
In maths we learned about perimeter. We used measurements to work out the perimeter of objects large and small such as: a maths book, a tray, the classroom and football pitch.
We discovered that if an object is square you only need to measure one side and if it is a rectangle you only need to measure two!
In PSHCE we did a Premier League lesson on racism and designed some fantastic anti-racism posters.
We have been waiting for a sunny day to do experiments about shadows! We studied how a shadow will change throughout the day. We found that as the day goes on the shadow gets shorter and changes position, before starting to get longer again later in the afternoon.
In maths today we have been telling the time to five minutes. We split the clock into two halves - past and to. We also counted on and back in 5s, and used our five times table to help tell the time.
Yesterday, in DT, we made roundhouses! It was messy but fun!
This afternoon we shared some anti-racism scenario cards. We discussed how we might respond to a variety of situations. The children made some really insightful and thoughtful contributions.
In geography, we used Google Streetview to compare how Idle is now with how it was back in 2008!
Today in maths, we converted between digital and analogue times.
Here are just a handful of our completed roundhouses!
Today in maths we discussed the properties of 3D shapes and made some using nets.
This afternoon, we surveyed the class on our favourite fruits then drew bar charts to represent this data.
Today we had a money day! We revised the value of different coins and how many pence makes one pound and more. We found different combinations of coins to make the same amount of money. We also practiced buying and selling, giving change from £5 and £10.