
Spring Term

Spring Term 2024
Our Learning Journey
Number Day 2024
Science - Winter Season Walk
Science - Owl Visit - Animals
Science - Animals
The children were lucky to meet the Stick insects and the newly hatched chicks!
Science - Spring Season Walk
In the spotlight
Odd Sock Day
World Book Day 2024
LO to make a prediction about the story.
Can the children work together to write a sentence prediciting what our new story is about?
LO to make a prediction about the story.
Can the children work together to look at the clues and write a sentence prediciting what the next story is about?
LO to understand 10
Children needed to sort the maths visuals into either 10 or not 10.
LO to understand 11,12,13
In maths this week we have been focussing on what we need to make a teen number. Today we were challenged to find the picture that matched our numeral or number as word card.
LO to order numbers from smallest to biggest
LO to count on from a given number (within 20)
LO (an introduction to) number bonds to 20
LO to double a number 
LO subtraction word and number problems
LO First, Then and Now Addition word problems
LO groups of 10s and 1s
LO count by making groups of 10
LO the number line to 100
LO estimate on a numberline
LO Count in 5s
LO count in 5s and 10s
LO to measure using objects
LO to measure using cms's
Nessie Artwork
LO to sketch and paint within the lines
Watercolour feathers and owl sketch
Spring flower sketch and watercolour
PE and Games
Games - Invasion Games
PE - Dance, Lion King
Games - Multi Sports
Design and Technology
Design and make a castle - joining using glue and tape, cutting and painting to follow a design
Digital painting - drawing a castle
Moving robots
Religious Education
What does is mean to belong to a mosque?