
Languages at Blakehill


At Blakehill Primary School, we have designed our Modern Foreign Languages (MFLs) curriculum around our children so that it excites and engages our pupils, opening their eyes to the amazing possibilities that learning a second language provides. The intent, our ambition, is that all pupils at Blakehill, in every class, in every year group, will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity around learning a language, finding it enjoyable, stimulating and purposeful. We hope that this is the beginning of a journey; a journey to become a life-long language learner.

We understand that whilst some of our children have the opportunity to listen, speak, read and write in a second language, either at home or abroad, a large majority do not. We aim to overcome this barrier, providing every child with the chance to learn a second language. In doing so, our children are given the opportunity to explore the relationships that exist between language and identity, developing a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them. It is our firm belief that, over time, our pupils will develop a better awareness of themselves, others and the cultural bonds - the similarities and differences - that exist throughout our communities. 


All classes throughout Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) have access to a high-quality, enriching Modern Foreign Languages curriculum. Lessons are taught by our Specialist Language Teacher, Mrs. Haynes. Our focus language at Blakehill is Spanish.  

Here at Blakehill, we have a long term plan in place which serves as an overall ‘teaching map’ outlining what each class in each year group will be taught and when. 

  • Each teaching unit is divided into 6 fully planned lessons. 
  • Each unit and lesson has clearly defined objectives and aims. 
  • Each lesson incorporates interactive whiteboard materials, including ample speaking and listening tasks. 
  • Reading and writing activities are interwoven into lessons.
  • Every unit will include a grammar concept.   

Pupils at Blakehill progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary, language skills and grammatical knowledge organized around age-appropriate topics and themes, building blocks of language into more complex, fluent and authentic written and oral pieces. 

Lessons offering appropriate levels of challenge and stretch are taught at all times to ensure pupils learn effectively, continuously building their knowledge of and enthusiasm for the language they are learning. We will use a range of assessment strategies including questioning, quizzes and mini tests to check pupil understanding, what do they know, providing support and challenge where necessary. 

At Blakehill, we regularly listen and adapt our approach based on the needs and viewpoints of our children. Subject leaders regularly 'check in' with pupils through the dedicated Modern Foreign Languages Subject Council, as well as, more widely. For example, pupils had commented that they would like more games, songs and videos in their lesson - and that is exactly what we did! Mrs. Haynes has adapted her lessons so that pupils have fun whilst learning Spanish. As a school, we also regularly 'enrich' our curriculum, providing our children with opportunities to expand and broaden their understanding of Spanish life and culture. For example, a whole school 'Spanish day' is scheduled to take place in the Summer term, bringing to life the wonderful colours, sounds and tastes of Spain. 

We celebrate success in Modern Foreign Languages in a variety of different ways including whole school celebration awards and individualized 'Marvellous Me' messages to parents.  


The impact of our Modern Foreign Language curriculum offer is that our pupils enjoy learning a new language, as evidenced through pupil voice, and are inspired to continue to do so as they move into Key Stage 3. In addition, our children become solution seeking, resilient individuals who 'rise to the challenge' or learning how to communicate in a different way. Language learning also develops their understanding of the world around them and how the world is a series of 'language spaces', each space having its own different characteristics whilst at the same time sharing similarities with others. 

Our pupils also show a rapidly widening repertoire of language skills, developed during their language teaching throughout Key Stage 2 (focusing on reading, writing, grammar, speaking and listening) which they use to communicate increasingly effectively. They develop a linguistic understanding underpinned by a knowledge of how language ‘works’ and how they can begin to link their language learning to that of English (or their native language) and other languages.