
Pupil Voice

What do our children like about computing at Blakehill ?

Izzy Yr 2  - I most enjoyed going on Scratch Junior and making the cat walk        

Jude Yr 2  -  I liked doing lots of typing about on our solider work     

Ellie Yr 3 -  Book creator because I liked taking the pictures around school 

Bonnie Yr4 - I loved playing the games because they were so much fun  

George Yr4   I liked researching about WW2 as we learnt so much 




 We listen to our children

As well as formal pupil voice opportunities, we take the advantage of weekly blogging sessions to informally discuss the curriculum with pupils. They said they enjoyed using the iPads and computing suite in cross curricular ways but wanted more discrete teaching. As a result of this, we implemented the curriculum carousel where in KS2 are our children focused on only the Computer Science strand of our curriculum.


It is not just the teacher’s voice that helps us to learn

We run competitions in school where the children get additional opportunities to share their knowledge and understanding. As part of Internet Safety day, our children took part in a competition where they chose an area of technology that they use and created posters about how to use technology safely and appropriately.