

Our assemblies are divided into 4 main categories:
Celebration assemblies
These occur on a Monday morning and acknowledge and celebrate individual, group, class and whole school achievements. This is a whole school assembly where positive attendance, learning behaviours, effort, achievement and attitudes are recognised and help us to further embed the ethos and culture of Blakehill. 
Social, Moral, Cultural, Spiritual and Values Assemblies 
Children in KS1 and KS2 have separate assemblies for the delivery of our themed values assemblies. These assemblies focus on SMSC development and often take on themes including: fundamental British Values, Blakehill values,  Anti-Bullying Charity/ Community and Safety. These are delivered by different staff members in school.
KS1 - Thursday afternoons
KS2 Wednesday afternoons
Music Assemblies
This is a whole school assembly delivered each Tuesday morning, by the Headteacher Our music assemblies allow us to further enhance the teaching of music in school. These assemblies may include group singing, musical performances/recitals and music composition. External music providers often visit school to perform to the pupils and their parents.
There are three themes to our music assemblies:
Term 1 - Composers
Term 2 - Genres
term 3 - World Music
Class Assemblies
Class assemblies take place on a Friday afternoon and pupils in all classes deliver an assembly to the rest of the school and their parents. These assemblies are on a rota to ensure that each class has 2 assemblies per academic year. This is a great way of sharing our learning and our growing confidence and independence with an audience.