

Times Table Champions
We are continuing with our weekly times table champions competition this term. As we have been playing this for a term now, we are beginning to develop tactics in our game playing and our recall is beginning to speed up. Some of us are even beginning to think about developing quick recall with division facts as well! 
We kickstarted the year by thinking about how 'together we can'. We discussed what makes a difference to how we feel in a day and realised that other people had a big impact on how we feel. We learnt how to give compliments and practised giving them. 
This term our outdoor PE topic is OAA. This is all about enjoying a range of activities outside, developing teamwork, developing confidence in physical activities and developing agility, balance and coordination. We have enjoyed playing a range of games that have helped us plan where we might move, begin to think tactically and encourage each other. All whilst becoming more agile over hurdles, developing speed and developing our hand eye co-ordination. 
In 3R we learn new spellings every week, These are statutory spellings from the year 3 word list, related to a new spelling rule or linked to a spelling rule we are recapping. We think practising our spellings is important because it helps us with our writing. We practise our spellings every morning with look, say, cover, write, check as well as regularly completing cloze dictations using them. we are constantly developing our understanding of root words, prefixes and suffixes. This half term we have begun to learn how to be more independent with our learning of spellings. We have learnt to make up mneumonics (we especially love ones that make us giggle), draw pictures with the words, box them up or segment them. Have a look! 
We are lucky enough to have Mr Nash teach us music on a Wednesday morning. We are becoming much more confident at playing the recorder, knowing what notes look like on musical notation and we are now learning about different composers. 
We have also been lucky enough to have Bradford Cathedral Choir leaders come into school to lead a session with us. we learnt to sing at different pitches, how to sing when others were singing different parts and even had a go at a round robin! 
In 3R we place the value of reading highly! It is the key to unlocking the imagination, relaxing, learning and escaping to other places! We learn key reading skills in our 4 reading lessons a week always beginning with vocabulary in order to help us understand what we have read. At the beginning of our reading lessons, we buddy read to help our fluency. Have a look at the reading we have been doing. 
This half term, we are learning about artists who created eye art ready to create our own dinosaur eye sculptures. We are learning how different artists represent the eye, how they create texture and shape in order to create our own. 
We have also enjoyed using our pencil skills from last term to create work linked to our English text, Iron Man. 
This half term we have LOVED reading The Iron Man. We have thought about how we would describe him to write poetry. We have learnt similes and developed our vocabulary in order to do this. We have also learnt the features of a diary in order to imagine how we would feel if we were the main character, Hogarth. We have developed our understanding of emotion adjectives, that adjectives can show intensity and how we can show not tell this. 
We are learning how to multiply and divide this half term. We are learning the difference between lots of, sharing and grouping. We are becoming more confident at using arrays and bar models to calculate and are learning that these facts commute. 
Our RE unit this half term is Special Places. We have begun our understanding of this unit by thinking about when we do things in groups or when we do things alone. We have learnt that some things people and religion do alone but other things are done in a group such as praying and singing. 
Number Day 
For Number Day, we learnt about height and explored skyscrapers of the world. We were struggling to understand just how big they were so looked to the height of our classroom to help us understand. We measured that it was approximately 3 m tall. Having just learnt about using friendly facts to help us, we calculated 10x and 100x our classroom height. We then used our understanding of bar models to help us count up to the heights of the skyscrapers in 'lots of' chunks. 
This term, we are learning about sculptures. We are learning about how material is an important thing to consider when creating a sculpture and thinking of different ways we can create texture. To help us with this, we went on a trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park. What a lovely day full of learning and creativity!
We are now learning what a newsreport looks like, what features it has and how to use these features in order to write our own newsreport about the day Iron Man came. 
PE: Tennis 
This half term, we are learning the key skills required for racket sports. 
Our key learning objectives have been focused on:
  • Striking a ball/ object with some control.
  • Beginning to send and receive with increasing confidence and control.
  • Follow the rules of games/ modified games.
Computing: Media 
This half term, we are learning how to create animations. Have a look at what we have been up to. 
Magic Week! 
As part of our writing focus, we had a magician in. We had an amazing assembly where we watched Dazzling Darren perform tricks. We then had a workshop where we learnt how to do tricks! 
PSHE: Understanding our emotions
We had a specialist in from the Bradford Mental and Emotional Health team. She taught us about worry and anxiety. She helped us to understand the difference between the two. We learnt that worry is short term but anxiety is long term. We learnt that anxiety is when worries become long term and physical. We learnt that there are a number of strategies we can use to help us with this such as breathing methods, worry time and distraction.