
E-Safety Information for Parents

Here are a selection of excellent resources to inform you about e-safety.

For further information the following websites are available:

http://www.internetmatters.org/ - this website can be used to  show you how to set up parental controls on different devices around the home such as games consoles, smart TVs, tablets and mobile phones.

www.kidsmart.org.uk - has different sections for children and adults 



www.childnet.com/parent - information about setting parental controls on home devices etc

http://www.vodafone.com/content/parents/howto-guides/parental_controls.html - step by step diagram guide to setting up parental controls on home devices and  links you with the different brands privacy pages to update/configure settings.

 http://www.pegi.info/en/index/ - this is a useful website for assessing if a computer game is acceptable for your child

https://www.commonsensemedia.org/  - gives general information on E-Safety but also provides reviews of games and films so that you can consider whether they are appropriate for your child.


http://www.parentalcontrols-on.org/ - How to set up parental controls on all devices.


We also have an bi-annual E-Safety meeting for Parents to inform you about some of the dangers your children may face when using the internet, and how to teach them the skills to stay safe. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and have a chat. 

The school E-Safety team consists of:

Mrs Keighley ( Headteacher )

Phil Cavalier-Lumley (Chair & E-Safety Governor)

Mrs Scott (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mrs Roberts (Year 3 Class teacher and Computing lead)




How do we respond to E-safety concerns in school?
In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education documentation and safeguarding best practise, we approach any esafety concern with deliberate calm. We look at evidence given and have discussions with all involved. We carefully consider the seriousness of a concern and ensure that we take appropriate action inline with local authority recommendations. Where we feel in school support is the appropriate action, we consider the needs of both alleged perpetrator and victim in order to provide interventions and support towards a positive outcome.